Your path into global universities

We’ve helped 50,000+ international students get into university.

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Step 1

Choose your pathway

Study an NCUK pathway programme in more than 40 countries worldwide. Start your journey locally or study abroad straight away.

Our Programmes
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Step 2

Support with every step

Our expert student support teams will guide you through every step of your journey and help find the best university and course for you.

How we support you
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Step 3

Gain entry to your dream university

Progress to one of 60+ universities – including nine in the QS World Top 100 – across the most popular study destinations.

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NCUK University Partners

Our pathway programmes provide entry to some of the world’s best universities including:

Why study with NCUK?


students progressed to world-leading universities


Study Centres in 35+ countries


nationalities represented our programmes each year


of students achieve a 2:1 or higher at university

*Data taken from 20/21 student cohort who studied NCUK IFY and IYOne and progressed to NCUK University Partners.

university partners, with 19 ranked in the QS World Top 200

Victoria Lay
I completed the NCUK International Foundation Year at a university near my home in Lima. It gave me the skills, knowledge and grades I needed to succeed on my course and prepared me for the UK education system. I'm so glad I trusted my instinct and followed my dream.

Victoria Lay

Leeds Beckett University

BA (Hons) Music Production

Lionel Correia
I am really excited to start studying in a new country, especially in a beautiful city like Bristol. I can't wait to meet new people, admire the beautiful scenery and explore the many opportunities in the city.
Lionel Correia

University of Bristol

BEng Aerospace Engineering

Agga Kaung Myat
NCUK was the best choice and a new Study Centre had just happened to open in Yangon city. I’m proud to be studying at The University of Manchester, all thanks to NCUK!
Agga Kaung Myat

The University of Manchester

BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences

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